Bill’s News
American Standard's Set the standard sales event.

American Standard Set the Standard Sales Event

Are you in the market to upgrade your home HVAC system? There are many benefits to doing so, but the cost can be high. Bill’s Heating & Air Conditioning in a partnership with American Standard can make an HVAC upgrade much less painful.…
Adding a dehumidifier to your home HVAC system or your basement can increase the air quality in your home. Bills Heating & Air Conditioning 526 Garfield Lincoln NE 68502

Why add a Dehumidifier to your Home?

Have you ever heard the expression, “It’s hot, but not that hot? It’s a dry heat!” This seems to be something folks from Arizona say all the time. Many people are not aware that humidity affects the way we feel temperatures. Now, Arizona…
Save big with new American Standard qualifying HVAC equipment and Bill's Heating & Air Conditioning with their Consistent Comfort Sales Event.

American Standard Consistent Comfort Sales Event

What does consistent comfort mean to you and your family? Is it life at 60°? Well, that might be a bit cold for us humans, but penguins sure like it... American Standard not only offers top-notch HVAC products and stands behind them…
American Standard HVAC Equipment from Bill's Heating & Air Conditioning, 526 Garfield, Lincoln, NE 68502

Who Knew? Some Fun AC Facts to Ponder

Air conditioning facts might not be something the average person thinks about often, but there are some very interesting things to learn about AC and it’s history. All of us know that during the hottest summer months, we can’t go without…
R-22 costs are skyrocketing causing consumers to make big decisions when their AC units stop working. Learn more with Bills Heating & Air Conditioning 526 Garfield Lincoln NE 68502

Your Air Conditioner and the R-22 Dilemma

If your AC unit has had issues, not working properly or it needs freon each year, it could be a costly endeavor this year. R-22 or chlorodifluoromethane (no wonder they call is R-22), better known as Freon, is a refrigerant gas that has been…
team member repairing furnace, Bill's Heating and Air Conditioning. Lincoln, NE

HVAC Service

Have you ever had a service call to your home that left you feeling taken advantage of? Maybe you were unfamiliar with the company. Maybe you felt you weren’t offered honest information. Or maybe you had an inkling they were trying to take…
Get More Sales Event from American Standard and Bill's Heating and Air Conditioning can help you save big on your HVAC upgrade

A Great Deal on an HVAC Upgrade

Spring has sprung and summer is quickly approaching. If you have had issues with your HVAC equipment, now is a great time to look into replacing it. An HVAC upgrade can help you avoid the pain of no air conditioning in the heat of summer. Of…
Find a reliable Lincoln HVAC company with Bill's Heating & Air Conditioning, 526 Garfield, Lincoln, NE 68502.

How to Find an HVAC Company you can Trust

Finding companies you can rely on and trust to fix and maintain your home is like hitting the lottery. Companies that employ trustworthy workers and technicians are hard to come by, from painting to adding a room. How do you go about finding…
Lincoln residents can save big on HVAC equipment with Bill's Heating & Air Conditioning, 526 Garfield, Lincoln, NE 68502.

2 Ways to save Big on HVAC

Is it time to replace that aging HVAC equipment in your home? This might not be the best news you’ve received lately, but there is always a silver lining. Not only can new equipment (i.e. furnace, heat pump or air conditioner) be much more…
winter scene of house

4 Home Winter Preparation Tips

Winter can be tough on your home in many ways. Frigid temperatures affect the interior and exterior. Snow and sleet storms create wear and tear. Closing up our houses tight can cause other issues that can affect your family’s health and well-being.…